Green Quarter - Lake District Walk

Wednesday 28th March 2012

The last day of our holiday was another hot and sunny day. We wanted for a shorter walk that was on our route home and so we headed for Kentmere. We has also hoped that as it was mid-week and not in the school holidays we wouldn't struggle to find a parking place. A previous attempt to do this walk had to be abandoned as we couldn't find a parking space.

Start: Kentmere (NY 4561 0410)

Route: Kentmere - Green Quarter - Hollow Moor on Green Quarter Fell (349) - Cocklaw Fell (350) - Green Quarter - Kentmere

Distance: 5.25 miles     Ascent: 351 metres      Time Taken: 3 hours 35 mins

Terrain: A mixture of good paths and tussocks.

Weather: Hot and sunny.

Pub Visited: The Duke William, Stavely    Ale Drunk: Shepherd Neame, Spitfire

Route Map >>


Green Quarter

Having successfully found a parking space we head for the hamlet of Green Quarter.

Sallows and Yoke

Climbing above Green Quarter, Sallows and Yoke come into view.

Kentmere Horseshoe

As we climb higher the view of the Kentmere Horseshoe keeps improving.

Shipman Knotts

As we leave the track and head towards a gate, to gain access to Green Quarter Fell, Shipman Knotts comes into view.

Hollow Moor

Having clambered over a locked gate we eventually found the stile that gave us access to the summit of Hollow Moor on Green Quarter Fell.

Hollow Moor on Green Quarter Fell

The summit of Hollow Moor appears to be marked by this old stone post.

Hollow Moor

The GPS and our eyes suggested it wasn't actually the summit, instead this grassy mound appeared to be the actual summit.

Upper Kentmere

Looking into Upper Kentmere from the summit.

Kentmere Reservoir

It was just about possible to pick out Kentmere Reservoir with our eyes but much easier to find zooming in with the camera.

Shipman Knotts & Kentmere Pike

Looking towards the ridge running from Shipman Knotts to Harter Fell.

Skeggles Water

After retracing our steps back to the stile we headed round and across a rather damp patch of ground to the summit of Cocklaw Fell, where we got our closest view of Skeggles Water. The original plan had been to head down to it but after all of the tramping through tussocks to gain this summit we decided to leave it for another day.

Cocklaw Fell's summit

Cocklaw Fell was another fell that seemed to have several different possible summits. This stone marks one of the possible summits.

Cocklaw Fell summit

This small mound is another contender for the summit, if the GPS is to be believed.

Bannisdale Fell

Whichever is the summit, they all offered a good view across Longsleddale to Bannisdale Fell.


Here looking up towards the head of Longsleddale and Branstree.

Cocklaw Fell

We decided to reverse our route to the summit and headed back through the tussocks and marshy ground to pick up the good track we had crossed earlier. Not a walk I would fancy doing in summer when the tussocks aren't so easy to spot.

Following the clear track back to Green Quarter we passed this ruin. Looking at other people's walks in this area there was once a more substantial ruin than this one, either I missed that one or it has collapsed or been raided for stones recently.

Sour Howes and Sallows

Following the clear track we soon find ourselves back into the Kentmere Valley with views across to Sour Howes and Sallows, two of the Birkett summits we did before I set up the website. In fact we ended up doing them when we first tried to do this walk and couldn't park in Kentmere.


Kentmere seems a long way, especially as our legs are starting to let us know they weren't really up to four days of back-to-back walks.


Never mind, the views are good and it is all downhill.

River Kent

Back down on the valley floor and stopping to admire the reflections in the river.

Kentmere Church

All that remains is that incline back up to the car which is by the church and the drive home.


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